IGNITE Pathways Cosmetology provides an engaging introduction to the dynamic world of beauty and self-care. Through hands-on training and expert guidance, students dive into the fundamentals of cosmetology, mastering essential techniques in hair styling, skincare, and makeup application. With a focus on creativity and professionalism, IGNITE Pathways empowers aspiring cosmetologists to unlock their potential and embark on a fulfilling journey in the beauty industry.



The Introduction to cosmetology courses will provide students with information about color and styling techniques, makeup applications, and proper nail care.

They will learn important life skills on interacting with guests and how to achieve their desired goals, which includes learning what styles and colors work with an individual's skin tones, face shapes, and color palettes. We will also have guest speakers come in and speak about the cosmetology industry.



Courses available in this path include:



In the field of cosmetology, professionals play a vital role in preparing clients for personal and professional occasions. One of the most effective strategies cosmetologists can employ is to actively involve clients in the beauty process. This entails collaborating with clients and providing them with tailored advice on skincare routines, makeup application techniques, and hair care tips. Additionally, it involves assisting clients in accessing the necessary tools and products to enhance their beauty regimen. Cosmetology serves as a cornerstone for personal grooming and confidence-building, contributing significantly to individuals' self-esteem and overall well-being. As per industry projections by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job opportunities in cosmetology are expected to grow by 8% from 2021 to 2031. Entry-level positions typically offer competitive starting salaries, with hourly rates starting at $16 or higher.


Entry Level Wages


Jobs Available


Income Potential

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