Student Resources


This One's for YOU

This page is for you, our IGNITE students.  On this page, you'll be able to locate forms, find links to program pages, jump on Headrush and make posts to IGNITE social media groups. Scroll through the page or click on a link below.

School Calendar

Field Trip Form

All students are required to submit this form each time you take an IGNITE field trip.  You will actually create two submissions for each trip:

Before you leave on your trip, you will record your personal Goal for the trip.  Think about what you hope to see or hope to learn.

After the trip, you will record what you've learned and what impact the trip has had on you or your fellow IGNITE students.

At the bottom of the form, you will see a checkbox for an image submission.  Check the box if you have submitted an image via email or your Facebook group.


Student First Name:
Student Last Name:
Student Email:
Program of Study:
Personal Goal (for the trip):
Facts (what you've learned):
Personal Impact (of the trip):
Check here if you've emailed an image to your Navigator:
Check here if you've uploaded an image to your Facebook group::
Student Name (first/last):
Class Period (Check one):
Attendance Self-Assessment (Check one):
Note or explanation (not required):

Daily Check-In

All students are required to CHECK-IN daily to self-assess your attendance for EACH IGNITE course you are enrolled in.

Fill in your name, check the class period, indicate your attendance and add a note (notes are optional), then click SUBMIT.

Check in daily when you arrive to class.  If you forget to check in when you arrive, you can still report your attendance later in the day.  All Check-Ins are time stamped in our system.

This information will be used to help you monitor your daily attendance and make improvements, when necessary. 



Facebook Groups

These private Facebook groups are for you, our IGNITE students, to:

submit photos
share information
present ideas
share posts
explore opportunities
celebrate successes 

The groups are closed -- private to you, other students in your program, Instructors and IGNITE administrators.





Email Us

Use these links to email instructors and IGNITE administrators.

Teresa Coenen
Greg Kelley
Curtis Lee
Justin Mills
Eric Moores
Terry Oestmann
Zach Ridder
Brian Sauter
Tim Taylor
Randy Vandemark

Contact Us for More Information

First Name:
Last Name:
How Can We Help You:
Which Career Paths Are You Interested In:

Become a Partner

First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Business Name:
City, ST:
How would you like to partner with us?: